Team | $350
* One 60 min. parent/player kickoff meeting to review the evaluation process *
* One hockey game review and player assessment, describing strengths and weaknesses plus recommendations for skill development (in-person or online video analysis) *
* One 60 min. parent/player meeting to review the evaluation results and next steps *
* Evaluation form provided to parent/player *
Contact 3sneaks to learn more.
All services will occur in-person, by phone, or online.
Team Support services are available to associations and clubs.
To purchase, email paynow@3sneaks.com.
There are many challenges teams confront throughout a season -- team dynamics, losing, skill development, conflict management, funding, budgets, and scheduling. Team managers and coaches are overwhelmed with
administrative duties, not to mention coaches needing to carve out the necessary time for
practice planning, running practices, player discipline, and game management.
I can offer an option to help with your workload and assist in reaching your team goals. My experience as a USA Hockey evaluator and coach, Division I collegiate coach and player, USA Hockey Women's National Team member, professional hockey player, and youth hockey development consultant provides an outside resource to help
your team excel and players to develop their hockey and life skills.
Extra bonus!
A successful team increases its credibility and desirability to parents and players.
Consulting is a value-added service that benefits both the players and team.
Contact 3sneaks for a customized plan of bundled or individual team services and pricing.
Services Available
* Player development (on-ice instruction, chalk talks, seminars, training plan) *
* Coach support (on-ice practices, chalk talks) *
* Meeting(s) with coaching staff to discuss other specific topics as requested *
Contact 3sneaks to learn more.
All services will occur in-person, by phone, or online.
To purchase, email paynow@3sneaks.com.